Satria Neo can't believe it!!! only my inspiration for Satria Neo..but this version come out with 5 door and a little bit extreme modification..the bumper and head lights also change too..hehe..lets see it.
front side. what do you think? interesting? coll? or ugly..ermm...
ok daaa.....
plz comment...hahaha
okey today 25 feb 2011
the door open for my Satria Neo GTi..erm
ermm how i doit??...
ok lets show..
1) using one of the photo editing software--can't show because not have a sponsor.--
2) i choose picture from other blog...hehehe..borrow only eh...

okey today 25 feb 2011
the door open for my Satria Neo GTi..erm
wah de reflx kat pintu...hehe
ok lets show..
1) using one of the photo editing software--can't show because not have a sponsor.--
2) i choose picture from other blog...hehehe..borrow only eh...
lotus elise..for front bumper..
Audi r8 for head lamp.
4) .for the side view i used mazda Rx8 for door and audi r8 for head lamp.
and for the last the imagination, creativity and skills are very important...hehe...
ok if you like it..tick down..okey.
ok if you like it..tick down..okey.
aku still suka 2 door lagi
nak satu gak la :p
bole tahan la bro...
sawn,aku ade pgalaman duduk blakang nk kluar susah, 2 yg pasal suggest yg 4 door plak..ala2 rx8..hehe...just the idea only..tq 4 the comments.
cun bro...klu bole buat pintu terbukak camni >>
ingat kan betul betul tadi. sumpah hati da terlompat lompat nak jugak satu ! =.=
tulah...asalah diorg xpk kelainan plak kan..asyik kot tradisi jek..pelbagaikan lah..kate 1Malaysia..kehkehkeh...:P
tulah ghosgulz, aku memg minat sgt neo parent aku beso badanye..2yg diorg xnak aku bli kate neo ni..kate 4 pitu xpe..hehe
nasib diaorang tak letak satu pintu jep. nanti semua orang tak nak naik kete tu. :P
aah. sama lah. minat gak satria. tapi sebab dua pintu. jadi cam fikir banyak kali. =.=
naseb baik kite ni bukan orang proton. lau tak da amek awak keje ngan kiteorang. :P
haha...tq2..mse kecik2 lukis gamba kate kat blakang buku sekolah..skarag dah beso pakai photoshop plak, ish2 dah beso dah aku..hehehe..
cool..! smart gak..! nak buat front mcmtu la..
nice piece of work..
thanks bro.
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