Proton Exora GTi

My inspiration for Proton Exora. This is the first nice mpv from proton and its 100% designed by proton

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Proton Inspira R3 concept

Today i want to share with you about my inspiration and idea for the Proton Inspira R3 concept. a little bit modification especially at the front and it will give the new identity for the inspira. This concept is look more aggressive and passion for the user especially for the young. I hope you like it. Give the comments for the improvement and...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Touch Screen Wall

Tak perlu ipad atau lagi hebat..hahahaha...... Aku selalu mengimpikan rumah aku ade mende macam ni..dulu negok dlm cerita science fiction jek...skarang macam dah tak mustahil..semunye boleh jadik....kalu lah ade kat umah aku sekarang, memg aku ajak korang semue datang. main mende teknologi nih..direka oleh Jeff Han and Phil Davidson dari...

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